Naslednji pogoji in določila urejajo vso uporabo LightstecSpletno mesto .com in vsa vsebina, storitve in izdelki, ki so na voljo na ali preko spletnega mesta (skupaj, spletno mesto). Spletno mesto je v lasti in upravljanju Lightstec ("Lightstec"). The Website is offered subject to your acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, policies (including, without limitation, Lightstec's Privacy Policy) and procedures that may be published from time to time on this Site by Lightstec (collectively, the "Agreement").
Prosimo, da pred dostopom ali uporabo spletnega mesta natančno preberete to pogodbo. Z dostopom ali uporabo katerega koli dela spletnega mesta se strinjate, da vas zavezujejo določila in pogoji te pogodbe. Če se ne strinjate z vsemi določili in pogoji te pogodbe, ne morete dostopati do spletnega mesta ali uporabljati katere koli storitve. Če se ti pogoji štejejo za ponudbo družbe Lightstec, je sprejem izrecno omejen na te pogoje. Spletno mesto je na voljo samo posameznikom, ki so stari najmanj 13 let.
- Vaš račun in spletno mesto Če ustvarite spletni dnevnik/stran na spletnem mestu, ste odgovorni za vzdrževanje varnosti svojega računa in spletnega dnevnika ter ste v celoti odgovorni za vse dejavnosti, ki se zgodijo pod računom, in vsa druga dejanja, izvedena v povezavi z blogom. Svojemu spletnemu dnevniku ne smete opisovati ali dodeliti ključnih besed na zavajajoč ali nezakonit način, vključno z namenom trgovanja z imenom ali ugledom drugih, Lightstec pa lahko spremeni ali odstrani kateri koli opis ali ključno besedo, za katero meni, da je neprimerna ali nezakonita ali kako drugače lahko povzroči Lightstec. Lightstec morate nemudoma obvestiti o kakršni koli nepooblaščeni uporabi vašega spletnega dnevnika, vašega računa ali drugih kršitvah varnosti. Lightstec ne bo odgovoren za vaša dejanja ali opustitve, vključno s kakršno koli škodo, ki nastane kot posledica takih dejanj ali opustitev.
- Responsibility of Contributors. If you operate a blog, comment on a blog, post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) material available by means of the Website (any such material, "Content"), You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content. That is the case regardless of whether the Content in question constitutes text, graphics, an audio file, or computer software. By making Content available, you represent and warrant that:
- prenos, kopiranje in uporaba vsebine ne bodo kršili lastniških pravic, vključno z avtorskimi pravicami, patenti, blagovnimi znamkami ali pravicami do poslovne skrivnosti, vendar ne omejeno nanje, katere koli tretje osebe;
- če ima vaš delodajalec pravice do intelektualne lastnine, ki jo ustvarite, ste (i) od delodajalca prejeli dovoljenje za objavo ali dajanje na voljo vsebine, vključno z, vendar ne omejeno na katero koli programsko opremo, ali (ii) od delodajalca pridobili odpoved glede vse pravice v ali do vsebine;
- ste v celoti upoštevali vse licence tretjih oseb, ki se nanašajo na vsebino, in ste storili vse, kar je potrebno, da končnim uporabnikom uspešno prenesete vse zahtevane pogoje;
vsebina ne vsebuje ali namešča nobenih virusov, črvov, zlonamerne programske opreme, trojanskih konjev ali druge škodljive ali uničujoče vsebine; - vsebina ni neželena pošta, ni strojno ali naključno ustvarjena in ne vsebuje neetične ali nezaželene komercialne vsebine, namenjene usmerjanju prometa na spletna mesta tretjih oseb ali zvišanju uvrstitve spletnih mest tretjih oseb v iskalnikih ali nadaljnjim nezakonitim dejanjem (kot lažno predstavljanje) ali zavajanje prejemnikov glede vira gradiva (kot je lažno predstavljanje);
- vsebina ni pornografska, ne vsebuje groženj ali spodbujanja nasilja do posameznikov ali subjektov in ne krši pravic do zasebnosti ali javnosti katere koli tretje osebe;
- vaš blog se ne oglašuje prek neželenih elektronskih sporočil, kot so neželene povezave v novičarskih skupinah, e-poštnih seznamih, drugih blogih in spletnih mestih ter podobnih nezaželenih promocijskih metod;
- your blog is not named in a manner that misleads your readers into thinking that you are another person or company. For example, your blog's URL or name is not the name of a person other than yourself or company other than your own; and you have, in the case of Content that includes computer code, accurately categorized and/or described the type, nature, uses and effects of the materials, whether requested to do so by Lightstecor otherwise.
Če Lightstecu predložite vsebino za vključitev na vaše spletno mesto, Lightstecu podelite svetovno, brezplačno in neizključno licenco za reprodukcijo, spreminjanje, prilagajanje in objavo vsebine izključno z namenom prikazovanja, distribucije in promocije vašega spletnega dnevnika. . Če izbrišete vsebino, si bo Lightstec prizadeval razumno prizadevati, da jo odstrani s spletnega mesta, vendar potrjujete, da predpomnjenje ali sklicevanja na vsebino morda ne bodo takoj onemogočena.
Without limiting any of those representations or warranties, Lightstec has the right (though not the obligation) to, in Lightstec's sole discretion (i) refuse or remove any content that, in Lightstec's reasonable opinion, violates any Lightstec policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (ii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Website to any individual or entity for any reason, in Lightstec's sole discretion. Lightstec will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.3
- Plačilo in podaljšanje.
Splošni pogoji.
Z izbiro izdelka ali storitve se strinjate, da boste Lightsteccu plačevali navedene enkratne in/ali mesečne ali letne naročnine (dodatni plačilni pogoji so lahko vključeni v drugih sporočilih). Plačila naročnine bodo zaračunana na podlagi predhodnega plačila na dan, ko se prijavite za nadgradnjo, in bodo krila uporabo te storitve za mesečno ali letno naročniško obdobje, kot je navedeno. Plačila niso vračljiva.
Samodejno podaljšanje.
Razen če pred koncem veljavnega naročniškega obdobja obvestite Lightstec, da želite preklicati naročnino, se bo vaša naročnina samodejno obnovila in nas pooblastite, da poberemo takrat veljavno letno ali mesečno naročnino za takšno naročnino (kot tudi morebitne davke) z uporabo katere koli kreditne kartice ali drugega plačilnega mehanizma, ki ga imamo v evidenci za vas. Nadgradnje lahko kadar koli prekličete tako, da Lightstecu pošljete pisno zahtevo.
Pristojbine; Plačilo. S prijavo za račun storitev se strinjate, da boste Lightsteccu plačali veljavne pristojbine za nastavitev in ponavljajoče se pristojbine. Veljavni stroški bodo zaračunani od dneva vzpostavitve vaših storitev in pred uporabo teh storitev. Lightstec si pridržuje pravico do spremembe plačilnih pogojev in pristojbin po trideset (30) dneh pred pisnim obvestilom. Storitve lahko kadar koli prekličete s trideset (30) dnevnim pisnim obvestilom Lightstecu.
Support. If your service includes access to priority email support. "Email support" means the ability to make requests for technical support assistance by email at any time (with reasonable efforts by Lightstec to respond within one business day) concerning the use of the VIP Services. "Priority" means that support takes priority over support for users of the standard or free services. All support will be provided in accordance with Lightstec standard services practices, procedures and policies.
- Responsibility of Website Visitors. Lightstechas not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, posted to the Website, and cannot therefore be responsible for that material's content, use or effects. By operating the Website, Lightstec does not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. The Website may contain content that is offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, and other errors. The Website may also contain material that violates the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes the intellectual property and other proprietary rights, of third parties, or the downloading, copying or use of which is subject to additional terms and conditions, stated or unstated. Lightstec disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by visitors of the Website, or from any downloading by those visitors of content there posted.
- Vsebina, objavljena na drugih spletnih mestih. Nismo pregledali in ne moremo pregledati vsega gradiva, vključno z računalniško programsko opremo, ki je na voljo prek spletnih strani in spletnih strani, do katerih je povezava, in ta povezava do Lightstec nima nadzora nad temi spletnimi mesti in spletnimi stranmi, ki niso Lightstec, in ni odgovoren za njihovo vsebino ali uporabo. S povezavo do spletnega mesta ali spletne strani, ki ni Lightstec, Lightstec ne predstavlja ali nakazuje, da podpira tako spletno ali spletno stran. Odgovorni ste za sprejetje potrebnih varnostnih ukrepov za zaščito sebe in svojih računalniških sistemov pred virusi, črvi, trojanskimi konji in drugo škodljivo ali uničujočo vsebino. Lightstec zavrača kakršno koli odgovornost za kakršno koli škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi vaše uporabe spletnih mest in spletnih strani, ki niso Lightstec.
- Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy. As Lightstecasks others to respect its intellectual property rights, it respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or linked to by violates your copyright, you are encouraged to notify Lightstec in accordance with Lightstec's Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") Policy. Lightstec will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. Lightstec will terminate a visitor's access to and use of the Website if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Lightstec or others. In the case of such termination, Lightstec will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid to Lightstec.
- Intellectual Property. This Agreement does not transfer from Lightstecto you any Lightstec or third party intellectual property, and all right, title and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Lightstec. Lightstec,, the logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with, or the Website are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lightstec or Lightstec's licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the Website may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Website grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Lightstec or third-party trademarks.
- Lightstecre si pridržuje pravico do prikazovanja oglasov na vašem blogu, razen če ste kupili račun brez oglasov.
- Lightstecreserves the right to display attribution links such as 'Blog at,' theme author, and font attribution in your blog footer or toolbar.
Partner Products. By activating a partner product (e.g. theme) from one of our partners, you agree to that partner's terms of service. You can opt out of their terms of service at any time by de-activating the partner product.
- Domain Names. If you are registering a domain name, using or transferring a previously registered domain name, you acknowledge and agree that use of the domain name is also subject to the policies of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"), including their Registration Rights and Responsibilities.
- Lightstecre si pridržuje pravico, da po lastni presoji spremeni ali zamenja kateri koli del te pogodbe. Vaša odgovornost je, da redno preverjate to pogodbo glede sprememb. Vaša nadaljnja uporaba ali dostop do spletnega mesta po objavi kakršnih koli sprememb te pogodbe pomeni, da sprejemate te spremembe. Lightstec lahko v prihodnosti tudi ponudi nove storitve in/ali funkcije prek spletne strani (vključno z izdajo novih orodij in virov). Za takšne nove funkcije in/ali storitve veljajo določila in pogoji te pogodbe.
Termination. Lightstec may terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. If you wish to terminate this Agreement or your account (if you have one), you may simply discontinue using the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you have a paid services account, such account can only be terminated by Lightstec if you materially breach this Agreement and fail to cure such breach within thirty (30) days from Lightstec's notice to you thereof; provided that, Lightstec can terminate the Website immediately as part of a general shut down of our service. All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
- Disclaimer of Warranties. The Website is provided "as is". Lightstecand its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Neither Lightstec nor its suppliers and licensors, makes any warranty that the Website will be error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, the Website at your own discretion and risk.
- Omejitev odgovornosti. Lightstec ali njegovi dobavitelji ali dajalci licence v nobenem primeru ne bodo odgovorni v zvezi s katero koli vsebino te pogodbe na podlagi katere koli pogodbe, malomarnosti, objektivne odgovornosti ali druge pravne ali pravične teorije za: (i) kakršno koli posebno, naključno ali posledično škodo; (ii) stroški nabave nadomestnih izdelkov ali storitev; (iii) za prekinitev uporabe ali izgubo ali poškodovanje podatkov; ali (iv) za vse zneske, ki presegajo pristojbine, ki ste jih plačali Lightstecundu v skladu s to pogodbo v obdobju dvanajstih (12) mesecev pred razlogom za tožbo. Lightstec ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za kakršne koli napake ali zamude zaradi zadev, ki so izven njihovega razumnega nadzora. Zgoraj navedeno ne velja v obsegu, ki ga prepoveduje veljavna zakonodaja.
Splošno zastopanje in garancija. Izjavljate in jamčite, da (i) bo vaša uporaba spletnega mesta potekala v strogem skladu s pravilnikom o zasebnosti Lightstec, s to pogodbo in z vsemi veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi (vključno z vsemi lokalnimi zakoni ali predpisi v vaši državi, državi, mestu, vendar ne omejeno nanje). , ali drugo vladno področje, glede spletnega vedenja in sprejemljive vsebine ter vključno z vsemi veljavnimi zakoni v zvezi s prenosom tehničnih podatkov, izvoženih iz Združenih držav ali države, v kateri prebivate) in (ii) vaša uporaba spletnega mesta ne bo kršila ali zlorabi pravic intelektualne lastnine katere koli tretje osebe.
- You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Lightstec, its contractors, and its licensor, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of your use of the Website, including but not limited to your violation of this Agreement.
- This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Lightstecand you concerning the subject matter hereof, and they may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorized executive of Lightstec, or by the posting by Lightstec of a revised version. Except to the extent applicable law, if any, provides otherwise, this Agreement, any access to or use of the Website will be governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions, and the proper venue for any disputes arising out of or relating to any of the same will be the state and federal courts located in San Francisco County, California. Except for claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding intellectual property rights (which may be brought in any competent court without the posting of a bond), any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be finally settled in accordance with the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service, Inc. ("JAMS") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. The arbitration shall take place in San Francisco, California, in the English language and the arbitral decision may be enforced in any court. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof. You may assign your rights under this Agreement to any party that consents to, and agrees to be bound by, its terms and conditions; Lightstec may assign its rights under this Agreement without condition. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.