China Dimmable Led Power Supply Factory

Lightstec® dia iray amin'ireo orinasa mpamokatra herinaratra matanjaka indrindra any Shina.
Manana famatsiana herinaratra an-trano izahay, famatsiana herinaratra tsy misy rano amin'ny alàlan'ny jiro LED.
Famatsiana herinaratra dimmable anisan'izany
Triac dimmable famatsiana herinaratra
0/ 1-10v famatsiana herinaratra azo ahena
Dali famatsiana herinaratra dimmable
Tongasoa eto ny sourcing led famatsiana herinaratra avy aminay!

Jereo ity video ity mba hianarana izay lafin-javatra tokony hodinihina rehefa misafidy ny anao Famatsiana herinaratra LED. Ireo anton-javatra ireo dia ahitana ny tanjaky ny jiro, ny fahaiza-manamaivana sy ny tsy manjavozavo, ary ny habeny mety hampiasaina. Ny orinasa Lightstec dia afaka maka karazana famatsiana herinaratra avy amin'ny mpanamboatra Shina.

Meanwell tantera-drano Led Power Supply IP67 LPV andian-dahatsoratra

Toetoetra :

90 ~ 264VAC fampidirana (afa-tsy ny 18W sy 150W)

Fonosana plastika Slim miaraka amin'ny haavon'ny IP67

Famolavolana ara-toekarena

Mahazaka fampidiran-dresaka 300VAC mandritra ny 5 segondra (LPV/C-20/35/60/100)

-30 ~ 70 ℃ midadasika fandidiana isan-karazany

Mety amin'ny jiro LED ara-toekarena sy fampiharana famantarana mihetsika

Type "HL" LED drivers for use in Class I, Division 2 hazardous (Classified) location luminaries (LPVL-150 only)

Meanwell Led Power Supply anatiny nampiasa andian-dahatsoratra IP20 LRS

Toetoetra :

Non-PFC, modely ara-toekarena indrindra

Ultra compact ary 1U ambany

300VAC fampidirana firongatry

Tsy misy fanjifana herinaratra: 0.2W ~ 0.75W

5G vibration, 70 ℃ miasa

Haavo miasa hatramin'ny 5000 metatra

Taratasy fiarovana feno: IEC/EN60335-1(PD3), IEC/EN61558-1, -2-16; IEC/EN/UL60950-1 sy GB4943

Triac Dimming Led famatsiana herinaratra 60w-200w

Toetoetra :

Lightstec PWM output KVP (25W-200W) series of Constant Voltage ETL/cETL Listed AC phase-cut /Triac dimming LED driver provides outstanding LED dimming performance, continuous smooth full range flicker-free dimming, and was designed to work with a wide range of MLV & ELV (forward phase / leading edge) TRIAC dimmers, such as Lutron, Leviton, Crestron, etc..

  • Ny vokatra PWM
  • Fandrefesana tanteraka: 0-100%
  • 5% entana ambany indrindra
  • Tsy misy flicker
  • Mitohy, malama
  • IP66, ho an'ny toerana mando, maina ary mando
  • ETL, cETL, FCC, Class 2, RoHS

Ahoana ny fampiasana Triac dimming LED famatsiana?

How to use traic dimming led driver
TRIAC dimmable LED driver 60W


TRIAC dimmable LED driver 80W


TRIAC dimmable LED driver 100W


TRIAC dimmable LED driver 120W


TRIAC dimmable LED driver 150W


TRIAC dimmable LED driver 200W


0/ 1-10V Dimming Led famatsiana herinaratra 60w-200w

Toetoetra :

Lightstec 0-10V / 1-10V / Potentiometer / 10V PWM (4 amin'ny 1) dimmable LED mpamily, dia mifanaraka amin'ny fenitra 0-10V / 1-10V / 100K potentiometer / 10V PWM dimmer sy ny rafitra fanaraha-maso jiro isan-karazany, toy ny Lutron , Clipsal, C-BUS, sns.

Ny mpamily dia manome malefaka sy tsy misy flicker 0-100% feno dimming isan-karazany sy ny dingana-tsy dia manjavozavo fampisehoana.

  • 4 in 1: 0-10V/1-10V/Potentiometer/10V PWM
  • Mitohy, malama
  • Vahaolana azo antoka
  • Tsy misy flicker
  • 10% entana ambany indrindra
  • Fandrefesana tanteraka: 0-100%
  • IP66, ho an'ny toerana mando, maina ary mando
  • TUV-CE, CB, RoHS
  • 1-10V dimmable tariby

Ahoana ny fampiasana famatsiana herinaratra 0/1-10V dimming?

How to use 0-10v dimming led driver-1
How to use 0-10v dimming led driver-2
0-10V-60W lightstec

Sary LT-12060-A-DIM

0-10V-80W dimming lightstec

Ampahany LT-12080-A-DIM

0-10V-100W dimming lightstec

Sary LT-12100-A-DIM

0-10V-120W dimming lightstec

Ampahany LT-12080-A-DIM

0-10V-150W dimming lightstec

Sary LT-12150-A-DIM

0-10V-200W dimming lightstec

Sary LT-12200-A-DIM

Dali Dimming nitarika famatsiana herinaratra 60w-200w

Toetoetra :

Lightstec DALI andian-dahatsoratra LED dimmable mpamily, dia natao mba hiasa amin'ny isan-karazany ny DALI dimmer/DALI rafitra, toy ny LUTRON, PHILPS sy ny hafa mahazatra marika. Mifanaraka amin'ny protocol DALI IEC 62386.

Ny mpamily dia manome malefaka sy tsy misy flicker 0-100% feno dimming range sy stepless dimming performance.

  • Mitohy, milamina
  • Vahaolana azo antoka
  • Tsy misy flicker
  • Famirapiratana ambany indrindra: 0.1%
  • Fandrefesana tanteraka: 0-100%
  • IP20, ho an'ny toerana maina sy mando
  • CE, RoHS

Ahoana ny fampiasana ny famatsiana herinaratra DALI dimming?

How to use DALI dimming led driver-1
How to use DALI dimming led driver-2
How to use DALI dimming led driver-3
Dali dimmable 60w


Dali dimmable power supply 80w

Sary LT-12080-A-DA

Dali dimmable power supply 100w

Sary LT-12100-A-DA

Dali dimmable power supply 120w

Sary LT-12080-A-DA

Dali dimmable power supply 150w


Dali dimmable power supply 200w


0/1-10v & Triac 2 in 1 dimmable led power supply

Toetoetra :

Lightstec 0/1-10v & Triac 2 in one dimmable led power supply is a new design and low cost dimmable led power supply.It is easy for manjavozavo led strip light. Ny dimming 2 amin'ny 1 dia mety amin'ny fampiharana bebe kokoa.

Ny mpamily dia manome malefaka sy tsy misy flicker 0-100% feno dimming range sy stepless dimming performance.

  • Vola miditra: 100-264VAC
  • Volavolan'ny Output: 12VDC / 24VDC
  • Hery: 60w/100w/150w/200w/250w
  • Dimmable function: 0/1-10v & Triac
  • CE, RoHS

Ahoana ny fampifandraisana ny triac dimmer amin'ny 2 in 1 dimmable led power supply sy led strip light?

How to connect dimmable power with triac dimmer

Ahoana ny fampifandraisana ny dimmer 0 / 1-10v miaraka amin'ny famatsiana herinaratra 2 amin'ny 1 dimmable sy ny jiro LED?

How to connect dimmable power with 0-10V DIMMER
0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver 150W


0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver -250W


0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver -200W


0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver -100W


0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver -60W


0-10 traic 2 in one led dimmable driver 12V-24V


    Fanontaniana? Soraty izahay!

    Serivisy 7/24 ora, hiverina aminao haingana araka izay tratra izahay, ary tsy mihoatra ny 12 ora aorian'ny naharay ny hafatrao. Aza misalasala mifandray aminay raha misy fanontaniana. 🙂

    Antsipiriany ifandraisana

    F5-6, NO.41 Wanle East Road,
    Xiaolan, Guangdong, Sina.



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