How to choose good quality LED strip light and avoid loss? This post will show you high-quality LED strip light VS cheap & low-quality light strip.
Sometimes, the Customer gives us the other factory led strip light sample. Some price is very low, they want to know what is the difference from good quality led strip light and what is the low quality led strip light. In this post, Lightstec will show you how to tell the difference from each other.
PCB:Double layer 2OZ copper PCB
Double layer copper PCB is better for heat dissipation and lower voltage drop.For project used.
Power:Our led strip light is use 151R resistance.Power 12.8W/M.Our led pass LM-80. That means our led strip light can use longer time.
Our company use original 3M tape: 9080A Check date sheet here: That means our led strip light can stick strong in right use.
Our LED is 18-20lm, RA>80, light effect: 100LM per watt.The led holder is copper .Copper holder led is good at heat dissipation and not easy rusts.Life time will longer than iron holder led.
Single layer thin PCB
Single layer pcb voltage will bigger , for low price products.
Power:cheaper led stirp light use 181R resistance ,and power is 11.8w/m. That they just want to lower the power,because they are led strip light can not use bigger watt.Heat dissipation not good.
Cheaper led strip light use some other brand led tape. Not strong enough when use long time. But the price is low. Not good for project use.
After testing, the sample led brightness is 13-15lm,RA<80.The Led can be sucked up by magnet.That means the led holder is make by iron.Iron rusts easily.And heat dissipation not better than copper.So the life time will shorter than copper holder led.
Par Autoru
Džerijs Hu
Uzņēmuma Lightstec dibinātājs.Inženierzinātņu grāds.Vairāk nekā 13 gadu darba pieredze LED apgaismojuma biznesā.Iepazīstieties ar LED apgaismojuma produktu ražošanu.Šajā emuārā dalās ar zināšanām un risinājumiem LED apgaismojuma jomā. Laipni lūdzam, iegādājoties LED gaismas no Ķīnas.
Uzziniet vairāk profesionālu vadītu nodarbību, par kurām mazāk cilvēku stāsta, pirms kļūdāties.
Kā tev iet?
My name is Gennadiy. I work for “CRIPS INTERIORS” company.
You met my colleague Natalya at the exhibition.
We are currently working on a project and we need 500-1000m of the LED profile.
Please check attached pictures.
Can you provide such item for us?
Please send us a pricelist with lead time.
Thank you for your help
Eisen,pls let me know your company detail.Our sale team will help you for the aluminum profile.
Hope all is well with you!
We are interested lighting fixture (please find attached picture).
Can you produce it?
RGB LED, hanging lighting fixture, material of the light diffuser – acryl, body – metal- steel, Power – 4-5W, non-dimmable.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Alin,
We have many kinds of led light fixture. let us know more detail via [email protected]
Easy for me to know led strip light quality by material. Now many item looks same, but when I use . some of them have many problem in project after using few months.Never use cheap products!
Dear Penjira,I am happy that this can help you. Hope good business.